National job portal

We provide support for employers with innovative online
tools to connect to jobseekers swiftly and efficiently.

Discover the potential of and
make your business profit from the cooperation.

We work with employers who aim to connect,
select and employ a wide range of jobseekers.
We can help you if you are facing the challenge of accessing
and recruiting local workers finding the right people.

The portal can help you
and your business with the issues below.

Munkavállalók |

Looking for employers in a specific region or nationwide?

Jelentkezők |

Not enough applicants of sufficient quantity and quality?

Álláskeresők |

Would you like to connect to jobseekers all over Hungary?

Munkavállaló |

Having difficulty finding employees for an important position?

Hirdetések |

Do you have more than one site, advertising in several cities at the same time?

Országos hirdetés |

Are you advertising a hard-to-fill position, looking for a senior manager, would you accept applications nationwide?

For new partners, we offer a special discount on Local Start 30-day advertising.
We wish you good luck and successful recruitment!
I'm taking the opportunity to try

Video job application, pre-screening (New feature!)

With video job applications you have the possibility to receive and pre-screen video applications.
You can ask questions in the job advertisement and you would like to receive answers from applicants in the form of videos.

When applying online, the jobseeker sends the video answers together with their CV to the advertiser.
Make recruitment and selection easier by using video pre-screening!

You can post your job ad in just 3 steps after registration

  • 1.
    Select a service
    What type of ad do you want to place?
  • 2.
    Create the text of your advertisement
    Draft a precise description of the advertisement.
  • 3.
    Define the details of the advertisement
    Set the detailed parameters of the ad.

Ad types

Choose which type of ad would be ideal for you.


30 days premium +fix top webpage exposure and Facebook posting, with guarantee.



30-day business ad with website and Facebook appearance, guaranteed.


30 days advertising with website and Facebook presence.

Where are you receiving applications for your ad?

Would you like to post a job ad with local, county or national reach?
Advertisements can appear through the sub-pages in the following locations:

Post a national ad (Hungary)

Post a county-wide ad (Selected county)

Post a local ad (Selected city and its surroundings)

Recruitment with guarantee!

Would you like a guarantee for your advertisement?

Business and Enterprise ads include +30 days recruitment guarantee,
If your ad does not receive an online application, we will extend it free of charge! advertising statistics

Registered companies
Number of applications
Number of ad views

Register as an Employer

We wish you good luck and successful recruitment! team